Check the projects done and products made by METICS creative electronics
When no safe drinking water is available, the Smartbox© is the ultimate solution. Water purification from nearly every source, as ponds, rivers and lakes.
The Servicebox provides secure remote access to machines for machine builders and system integrators on demand.
Drain Jet
The Drain-Jet OneTouch is a drainage cleaner that can clean an entire drainage pipe with one press of a button.
Biotech pilot plant
For Zeton we helped develop software to control a pilot plant with a continuous flow by Biotech. Troubles with software architecture and software structure were solved and can be used for future projects.
The Stove is a mobile wood stove that can be used in third world countries to make food in a healthy way.
METICS has developed an IoT product for Heineken which has been used for promotional purposes.
Waking up, not knowing where you are, lets think ahead a little. Process everything you see and think. Finally you've got it, your location and orientation. This is basically what we do with AGV's. Automatic Guided Vehicles. At METICS we have the experience to let your vehicle navigate to any place you want.
ABS system
METICS has developed an electric braking system for trailers that can be connected to any car.